Your satisfaction is our motivation, and we want to get your order to you as quickly as possible. Maybe that’s my fault for not buying a can.We'll work diligently to complete your order and ship it out quickly. The only thing I wish this had more of was a less industrial smell to it that comes from the paper carton. I don’t know if it beats out Nantucket Nectars, but it sure is more of a nectar than what they make. My final thoughts on this? Yeah! It is a really decent juice drink. It is nice actually since strong aftertastes can hurt a good drink sometimes. The mango taste keeps going though to the aftertaste, but it isn’t really strong or lasting. The final taste of this is a very sweet sign-off from the mango. I feel like there might be pulp in this, but I don’t think there is. I guess that’s the difference between a “nectar” and a “juice.” It’s texture almost reminds me of orange juice. What I really get from this is that it isn’t watery like a juice but more thick and hearty. This is pretty close to eating a real mango when it comes to this stage in the taste. Then it kind of materializes into a mango flavour and it tastes very fresh. It just kind of had a nice tropical sweet taste to it. It is pretty tropical in flavour, but I wasn’t quite convinced it was mango. It kind of smells like a paper mill with a mango fragrance sprayed in it. It smells of mango, but it also smells of manufacturing? Maybe I’m imagining things. So, enough talk! Let’s have a taste now! It says to shake gently before opening so I’m gonna shake this like I was shaking a snow-globe. I guess it is better than sodium benzoate. Vitamin C based preservative that has no real nutritional value. They call it a preservative here, but I wanna learn more about it!

Beta-Carotene is in this, though there’s some added for effect I guess. Water, mango puree from concentrate, sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, erythorbic acid, beta carotene, sucralose. They really wanna hit home that this is fat free. I was right about one thing! This is a product of Mexico and distributed though Texas. Maybe because this is a larger container it has more juice in it. Usually these kinds of drinks have like 5 to 10 percent juice. That’s good, I guess.Īh ha! It is 21% juice. On the side of the carton it says it is fat free. Nowhere on this package does it say “100% juice!” That’s okay because I’ve come to expect that really. If I had to guess, this thing is probably not 100% juice. Vitamin A has derivatives from Beta-Carotene and Beta-Carotene is usually what makes fruits and vegetables red/orange. It is true about mangoes being a good source of Vitamin A. English is probably not their first language and “mangos” is generally accepted as the plural form of “mango.” At the bottom of the carton is says “Mangos are a natural source of vitamin A.” Oh dear. It is kind of hard to make out since the image was made a bit thinner to fit on this carton. It has a big picture of a mango on it, I guess. The carton is kind of, well, straight forward. I almost got it too, but it costs like 4 dollars. Their marketing technique was “paper keeps the water pure” or some hogwash like that. I saw in the water section that there was water in paper. Kind of an odd choice for drink storage, but whatever. As you can see in the picture, this is quite large. This isn’t my usual one and done drinks either. Maybe I’ll try and get her to write a post about it too then, yeah? I figured “why not?” and added it to the Drink Reaction stash.

This was kind of the Queen’s choice in drinks because I went to Big Lots and was searching their drink aisle for interesting drinks. I’m curious to see how Jumex makes theirs. I’ve tried a few “nectars” on this blog and they were all pretty good. Well, here’s to the first drink to make it to the Rad Blog! I just never really got around to trying anything by them. Usually when I go to the Hispanic section at the supermarket, I’ll see Goya’s line of drinks and then right next to it is Jumex. I don’t think I’ve done a Jumex drink before, but I have seen their products in stores before.Īnyway, I like to think of Jumex as a main competitor for Goya. Today I have this big ol’ thing of mango nectar from a company called Jumex.